Sustainable Development Goals SDGs

Using the SDGs as a sustainability compass in the company

  • Was sind die Sustainabel Development Goals SDGs?
  • Warum sind die SDGs für Unternehmen und Organisationen von Bedeutung?
  • Wie können Sie die SDGs sinnvoll nutzen?
  • Was bietet Ihnen der „CheckN“ zur Integration der SDGs?

Meine Angebote als zertifizierter CheckN-Berater: CheckN-Workshop, SDGs bezogene Organisationsberatung, Coaching, Training, Vorträge – auch online

Die Vereinten Nationen haben 2015 die Sustainable Development Goals SDGs (Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung) verabschiedet und damit einen Handlungsrahmen gesetzt, der in den kommenden Jahren bis zum Jahr 2030 bis in die lokale Ebene hinein umgesetzt werden soll – auch in möglichst vielen Unternehmen aller Größen, also auch in Klein- und Mittel-Unternehmen KMU. Das Besondere an den SDGs ist die Tatsache, dass sie sich nicht nur auf die globale oder nationale Ebene beziehen, sondern auch auf die betriebliche Ebene.

Es stellt sich die Frage: Welchen Beitrag kann jedes einzelne Unternehmen und jede Organisation zur Erreichung der Sustainable Development Goals leisten?


  • What are the Sustainabel Development Goals SDGs?
  • Why are the SDGs important for companies and organizations?
  • How can you make sense of the SDGs?
  • What does the "CheckN" offer you for integrating the SDGs?

My offers as a certified CheckN consultant: CheckN workshop, SDGs-related organizational consulting, coaching, training, lectures - also online.

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and thus set a framework for action, which is to be implemented in the coming years until 2030 down to the local level - also in as many companies of all sizes as possible, including small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs. What is special about the SDGs is the fact that they relate not only to the global or national level, but also to the company level.

The question arises: What contribution can each individual company and organization make to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

The SDGs are increasingly well known internationally and nationally and are now recognized, for example in the German Sustainability Strategy, as a benchmark for sustainability. They thus form a global framework to be implemented locally.

Several concrete and practically implementable sub-goals have been formulated for each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These offer you as a company the opportunity to evaluate your own business model and your own processes and products in terms of their sustainability and then develop them further: expand meaningful contributions, reduce negative impacts and communicate this transparently.

The SDGs thus become an effective instrument for sustainable organizational development and transformation for you.


The CheckN by B.A.U.M.

The CheckN is a practice-oriented sustainability compass for companies and organizations. In the course of an approx. four-hour workshop (possibly also possible online), we jointly reflect on and examine which of the 17 SDGs are of particular relevance to you and your company, in what form you are already implementing individual goals, and where there is meaningful potential for development.

As a certified CheckN consultant, I support you in efficiently using the advantages of CheckN for your company or organization:

  • You receive a status quo, also visually prepared, on the question of how successfully sustainability has been implemented in your company so far.
  • You receive a clear SDG evaluation with individual recommendations for action.
  • You will receive a corresponding certificate on the current status of the implementation of the SDGs in your organization, which you can also use in your communication with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, etc.) for publicity purposes.

Feel free to contact me about the possibilities of the SDGs and the CheckN. 

We can combine the SDGs very well with other concepts and methods of sustainability and transformation.

For example, the common good economy with the common good report and the common good balance sheet can be well linked to the SDGs. Here you can learn more about my corresponding offers on the topic of GWÖ and the Common Good Report.